Welcome To The

Employee Resource Group Network
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Become a Member of the Employee Resoruce Group NEtwork

Don’t Settle For Less

Optimize Your Employee Resource Group

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) hold tremendous potential to function as crucial leveraging tools within their organizations; however, not all ERGs are equipped with the tools necessary to affect change. The Employee Resource Group Network functions as the premier resource for professionals across the nation on how to establish employee resource groups within their organization, develop and educate pre-existing ERGs, and connect with similar employee resource groups across multiple organizations. Through use of the ERG Network, Employee Resource Groups will possess the means to incite long-lasting, positive change in the world of business.

Our Specialties

Why Join?

Access to ERG Toolkit

Logo on website

Networking with ERGs nationwide

Brand building and awareness

Access to Webinars


What We Can Do For You

The Employee Resource Group Network provides a variety of services that will enable your ERG to continually grow and advocate for itself.


The ERG Network partners with ERGs across a variety of industries and demographics across the nation. By joining, you will be able to communicate and collaborate with members of the network.


Creating a name for an organization is essential to its success; this applies to ERGs as well. The Employee Resource Group Network provides sessions specific to creating a brand for your group that is recognizable, marketable, and carries significance.


Professional development is key for progressing career objectives. In becoming a member of the ERG Network, your ERG will have access to webinars, our online toolkit, and articles that will allow you to further develop your group.

Get In Touch

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